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Middle School Boundaries

Setting new middle school boundaries is an important part of our upcoming 2022-23 transition to a grades 6-8 middle school environment.

On Oct. 21, 2021, the Board of Education approved new middle school boundaries for the district.

The plan they approved:

  • Keeps 17 out of the 18 elementary schools together when students transition to middle school. Richardson Elementary sends students to two middle schools: East Trails Middle School and Bernard Campbell Middle School.
  • Does not impact LSR7's current elementary or high school boundaries.
  • Makes Summit Lakes Middle School a direct feeder to Lee's Summit West High School.
  • Makes Bernard Campbell Middle School a direct feeder to Lee's Summit North High School.
  • Makes Pleasant Lea Middle School a feeder to all three high schools. 
  • Makes East Trails Middle School a feeder to all three high schools.

Which middle school are you districted for?

Use this interactive map to learn how our new middle school boundaries impact your family. Expand the map using the top right square icon and plug in your address next to the magnifying glass.


Elementary to Middle School Breakdowns:

Starting in 2022-23, the following elementary schools will send students to the following middle schools:

  • Bernard Campbell Middle School: HGE, MAE, MLE, RHE, UWE
  • Pleasant Lea Middle School: CCE, LFE, LSE, PLE, WVE
  • Summit Lakes Middle School: GWE, HHE, SPE, TRE
  • East Trails Middle School: HPE, PVE, RHE, SVE, WLE
First page of the PDF file: Purple-Revised

The Middle School Boundaries Purple Plan was approved by the Board of Education on Oct. 21, 2021.